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2006 SWPU International Conference

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 322

2006 International Conference

North Korea's Strategy and Propaganda,

and Korean Peninsula Situation

Host: The Society of World Peace and Unification

Date: 2~6 p.m., May 19 (Friday), 2006

Venue: Information Center on North Korea, Ministry of National Unification


§ Program § 

M.C. : Dr. Woo Gil Choi(Professor, Sun Moon University)

Opening Remarks Dr. Seo Hyeng Lee (Professor, The Academy of Korean Studies)

(President, The Society of World Peace and Unification)


Session 1 --------------------- Moderator : Dr. Heung Soon Park (Professor, Sun Moon University) "Kim Jong Il Mania: The Depiction of South Korea in Contemporary North Korean Propaganda" 1

Dr. Brian Myers (Professor, Inje University)

" The Analysis of North Korea's Discursive Strategy for Changing Its Policies" 19

Dr. Kyu Sun Han (Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute for International Investigation)


Mr. Martin Quinn (Political Counselor, Embassy of Australia in Seoul)

Dr. Andrei Lankov (Professor, Australian National University)

Dr. Dennis Florig (Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

Dr. Eun Hee Shin (Professor, Iowa Simpson College)

Dr. Chun Heum Choi (Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for National Unification)

Dr. Pyung Kyun Woo (Research Professor, Korea University)

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Session 2 ---------------- Moderator : Dr. Yong Soon Yim (Professor, Sungkyunkwan University)


"Korea 2020: National Security Futures, Development, Democracy, and Choices" 35

Dr. Richard Chadwick (Professor, University of Hawaii)

"Another Cold War in Northeast Asia?" 55

Dr. Jae bong Lee (Professor, Wonkang University)


Ms. Sophie Olsson (First Secretary, Embassy of Sweden in Seoul)

Ms. Tanya Sullivan (Second Secretary, Embassy of Australia in Seoul)

Mr. Timothy Savage (Senior Fellow, Nautilus Institute)

Dr. Monique Abrams (Professor, Kyung Hee University)

Dr. Soo Min Kim (Professor, Sun Moon University)

Dr. Chan Bong Park (Assistant Minister, Representative for Inter-Korean Dialogue, Ministry of Unification)
